Wednesday, January 28, 2009
the stimulus bill
Way to go republicans ! Mr. Hussein is not going to be able to blame the bad things that will come out of this "stimulus" bill on republicans. They had the courage to say NO WAY, even though they knew it would get passed anyway. Now when whatever happens the liberals cant blame us because we said NO. I am proud of them for the first time in a long while. Its about time they showed some balls and stood up to the Messiah. I say to them keep it up and don't loose heart. If the American public ,in the end, sees that we stood up for what was right and didn't cave we will get our foothold back. Hopefully by then the country will not have swung so far left that it isn't irreversible.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Regarding Obama and race relations
I had an interesting converstation with a very dear friend about a week ago that provoked some very serious thought in me. We talked, among a lot of things, about Obama and how his race played in the election. What makes this conversation noteworthy is that I am white and she is black ( african american if you want to be PC lol) What stunned me even more was that she basically agrees with me on several key points. One, that Obama won because the black people for perhaps the first time felt enough passion to actually come out and vote enough to make a difference. Secondly, that as it relates to the first point, he got elected as a result of the passion. Not because he was more qualified as anybody with brain in their head can see he is not, but because black folks saw the chance to get a black person in the white house - period. WE BOTH think its great that racism has diminished enough that this event has happened, just not with the person that fufilled that dream. Thirdly, we both feel pressure from the others race and our own sometimes - especially in her case - for believing as we do about Mr. Hussein. We both agree its not right and its not fair. Neither of us are racists at all , we just despise Obama lol and not because he is black. We despise everything that he stands for and everything has done so far and will most likely do. He is a tax and spend ( ie give to those who constantly have their hands out with gimmie gimmie attitudes) and thinks he can BS his way out of any problem (that should scare the hell of you in the foreign world area) But anyhow I digress, its just eye opening to find another black person that thinks like me on this and to the degree that she does. It was refreshing and just made my day. I did a lot of thinking that day about it. Its been marinating in head eversince. She is a wise woman and now I know why I respect her as much as I do. I hope she knows how much I care about her. For always.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Obama and other things
First rant of the day is on my favorite person.Mr Barrack Hussein OBAMA. That man makes me so MAD I just wanna smack something. The man has NO clue what the h e double l he is doing ! And secondly the things that he is doing are pissing more than few people off (at least those of us with enough sense to realize how bad they are and didn't drink the kool-aide lol) I just want someone to beat some sense into him, although surrounded by a bunch of flaming idiot liberals , I doubt that anything anyone would do to him would make any kind of difference. Peolosi is in my opinion the poster child for why feminists are ugly bitter old women lol.
I am just shocked that Obama (shouldn't be really i guess) is gonna make us pay for abortions around the world. I am pro life and am truly sicked by most abortions, and the thought of having to provide MY MY tax money to fund someone else's abortion anywhere MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. Oh and the closing of GITMO is another thing entirely. What the H e double l does he think he is doing ?? (besides pandering the many ignorant leftist nut jobs out there ,most of whom are begging for it ) What the heck does he think we are gonna do with these folks? Slap em if they don't cooperate? Or better yet lets release them so they can come back and kill us some more. OBAMA is an A**. You stupid people that actually voted for this A**clown, you better get ready. Cause change is coming and ain't NO ONE gonna like it, not even you.
I am just shocked that Obama (shouldn't be really i guess) is gonna make us pay for abortions around the world. I am pro life and am truly sicked by most abortions, and the thought of having to provide MY MY tax money to fund someone else's abortion anywhere MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. Oh and the closing of GITMO is another thing entirely. What the H e double l does he think he is doing ?? (besides pandering the many ignorant leftist nut jobs out there ,most of whom are begging for it ) What the heck does he think we are gonna do with these folks? Slap em if they don't cooperate? Or better yet lets release them so they can come back and kill us some more. OBAMA is an A**. You stupid people that actually voted for this A**clown, you better get ready. Cause change is coming and ain't NO ONE gonna like it, not even you.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Well Obama has done it again, sigh
He has got me so hot under the collar than I can see straight. He is now saying its ok for us to help fund abortion in other countries. WTF!!! Seriously? Its bad enough that its done here, but us paying for theirs? Thats NUTS !!!!
I have decided that I am not going to cave like all the rest of them republicians in the house and senate. They are just more concerned about their own political survival than they are in doing the right thing, it seems. Ughhh they make me sick too. I dont like getting called and racist just because I make it VERY plain I have an intense dislike for all liberals even. If was black then I would be called other things racists like. Its just not right, but as usual they are the ones going there, so we need to stand strong against this tidewave of obamamania. Hugs and much love to all my conservative friends out there. God bless America
I have decided that I am not going to cave like all the rest of them republicians in the house and senate. They are just more concerned about their own political survival than they are in doing the right thing, it seems. Ughhh they make me sick too. I dont like getting called and racist just because I make it VERY plain I have an intense dislike for all liberals even
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Obama and Bush
OBAMA can kiss my conservative God fearing republican A** and pretty much every other socialist liberal out there. I am scared for this country and for what it says that we would put someone like him in charge. Like most any liberal he think he can spend, tax, and BS his way out of any problem. God help us all. Bush was a far better president than he will EVER be given credit for. If it were not for the fact that he had the media and the liberal run congress doing there level headed best to try and trip him up from the get go, he might have been able to accomplish so much more. You wanna blame someone, blame the congress. Bush had so much on his plate and he did the best he could. He did it with conviction and courage. Maybe he wasnt always right, but he is human and he did his best. Far better than an lib would have I am sure. SCREW OBAMA and I cant wait till 1:20:2013 and he is gone..
Sunday, January 18, 2009
ughhhhhhhhhhh the ravens lost sigh
DANG IT DANG IT DANG IT !!!!!!!! We sure gave it a really good try. I am praying maghee. God bless him. Roth was a class act for coming over to our coach.
This about sums it up for me
Obama naysayers speak out
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Digg Facebook Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Daniel Libit Daniel Libit – Sun Jan 18, 6:51 am ET
Featured Topics: Barack Obama Presidential Transition AP – President-elect Barack Obama speaks during 'We Are One: Opening Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln …
Slideshow: President-elect Barack Obama Play Video Barack Obama Video: Internet is big for inauguration coverage WRAL Raleigh Play Video Barack Obama Video: Beyonce, Foxx at Star-Studded concert for Obama AP With Barack Obama's approval ratings in the 70s and his visage plastered on every shop window and Metro card in Washington, it's hard to remember that 58 million Americans voted for the other guy.
Even President Bush — who presumably counts himself among that group — said last week that Obama's inauguration is "a moment of hope and pride."
That's not exactly how Michelle Malkin describes it.
"Jan. 20 has turned into a schlock inauguration, (where) every last moocher has come to cash in on Obama," says the conservative blogger and pundit. "There are some of us who want to bang our heads against the wall."
While most Republicans now in office are saying all the right things about Tuesday's proceedings — roll tape on "peaceful transfer of power" and "historic moment for the country" sound bites — some conservatives can't quite get themselves in the "We Are One" mood.
Not even for a day.
On his radio show last week, Rush Limbaugh railed against "people on our side of the aisle who have caved and who say, 'Well, I hope he succeeds. We have to give him a chance.'"
"Why?" Limbaugh demanded. "They didn't give Bush a chance in 2000. Before he was inaugurated, the search-and-destroy mission had begun. I'm not talking about search-and-destroy, but I've been listening to Barack Obama for a year and a half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don't want them to succeed."
In the wake of the disputed 2000 election, only 47 percent of the public predicted that Bush would be an "above average" or "outstanding" president. In a new Associated Press-GfK poll, 65 percent of the public attaches those words to Obama.
Asked about Obama's inauguration last week, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay hammered on the cost.
If Obama were "serious" about changing Washington, DeLay said, "He would announce to the world: 'We are in crisis, we are at war, people are losing jobs; we are not going to have this party. Instead, I'm going to get sworn in at the White House. I'm going to have a nice little chicken dinner, and we'll save the $125 million.'"
DeLay said he understands why Republicans in Congress aren't complaining about this publicly: "Those in elected office are looking at Obama's popularity numbers and don't want to be perceived as anti-American by being anti-Obama."
He didn't name names, but the normally outspoken Rep. Michele Bachmann might fit the bill.
Just before the election, the Minnesota Republican told Chris Matthews that she thought Obama might have "anti-American views."
Last week, she told The Hill: "I look forward to working with him and I would expect to be as friendly as I would be to [any president]."
In March, Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King predicted that an Obama victory would have "the al Qaeda and the radical Islamists and their supporters ... dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11th."
Last week, King was still grumbling about Obama's middle name — Hussein — but he told Politico that he's "very respectful and appreciative of the historic moment" and counts it "among life's privileges" that he'll have a seat in Congress when Obama puts his hand on the Bible.
Malkin conceded that it's appropriate to show some deference to the occasion, but she complained that Republican lawmakers aren't standing their ground.
"Especially in the Beltway," she said, "they are more wrapped up in who got invited to what dinner and who didn't. And my criticism of the GOP establishment, as they've rolled on every [Obama Cabinet] nomination, is they are completely out of touch with how fly-over America feels about this spectacle."
Or, as Bob Anderson put it: "Pffffffffffffffffft."
Anderson, a retired chief master sergeant in the U.S. Air Force Reserves, is the founder of the conservative grass-roots organization "What are we fighting for?"
Asked to elaborate on his onomatopoeia, Anderson said that "Obama-mania" is leading the country into bad times.
"The only positive thing I can see is hopefully it will be bad enough quick enough that the people will stop drinking the Kool-Aid and see what we're about to lose," he said. "I think we have a very short launch window."
RedState's Erick Erickson is blasting off.
"I think we're going to be treated to.hagiography for weeks if not months," Erickson complained. "The first time Obama uses the bathroom, Newsweek will do a five-page spread."
Tom Hoefling, the political director for Alan Keyes' group America's Revival, has had it with all the talk about the "historic" nature of Obama's inauguration.
"What's historic about it?" he asked. "So it's historical because of his skin tone? Isn't that a racist idea in the first place? ... I could care less what color his skin tone is. What matters is his philosophy -- his political philosophy and his ideology."
Anderson suggested that squeamishness about race is silencing the dissent.
"We're so focused with political correctness people are uncomfortable in saying your baby is ugly and stuff is broken," he said. "While we're sitting around the campfire and trying to sing Kumbaya, our country is slipping away from us."
Anderson won't be watching the inauguration. DeLay will be out in California to rally conservatives. And Richard Viguerie, the king of right-wing direct mail, said Tuesday will be "just another day at the office."
"Yeah, sure, we can be happy that we've taken another step in the racial progress, but I just am not about race, quite frankly," Viguerie said.
He doesn't necessarily begrudge those who will celebrate this we
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Digg Facebook Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Daniel Libit Daniel Libit – Sun Jan 18, 6:51 am ET
Featured Topics: Barack Obama Presidential Transition AP – President-elect Barack Obama speaks during 'We Are One: Opening Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln …
Slideshow: President-elect Barack Obama Play Video Barack Obama Video: Internet is big for inauguration coverage WRAL Raleigh Play Video Barack Obama Video: Beyonce, Foxx at Star-Studded concert for Obama AP With Barack Obama's approval ratings in the 70s and his visage plastered on every shop window and Metro card in Washington, it's hard to remember that 58 million Americans voted for the other guy.
Even President Bush — who presumably counts himself among that group — said last week that Obama's inauguration is "a moment of hope and pride."
That's not exactly how Michelle Malkin describes it.
"Jan. 20 has turned into a schlock inauguration, (where) every last moocher has come to cash in on Obama," says the conservative blogger and pundit. "There are some of us who want to bang our heads against the wall."
While most Republicans now in office are saying all the right things about Tuesday's proceedings — roll tape on "peaceful transfer of power" and "historic moment for the country" sound bites — some conservatives can't quite get themselves in the "We Are One" mood.
Not even for a day.
On his radio show last week, Rush Limbaugh railed against "people on our side of the aisle who have caved and who say, 'Well, I hope he succeeds. We have to give him a chance.'"
"Why?" Limbaugh demanded. "They didn't give Bush a chance in 2000. Before he was inaugurated, the search-and-destroy mission had begun. I'm not talking about search-and-destroy, but I've been listening to Barack Obama for a year and a half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don't want them to succeed."
In the wake of the disputed 2000 election, only 47 percent of the public predicted that Bush would be an "above average" or "outstanding" president. In a new Associated Press-GfK poll, 65 percent of the public attaches those words to Obama.
Asked about Obama's inauguration last week, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay hammered on the cost.
If Obama were "serious" about changing Washington, DeLay said, "He would announce to the world: 'We are in crisis, we are at war, people are losing jobs; we are not going to have this party. Instead, I'm going to get sworn in at the White House. I'm going to have a nice little chicken dinner, and we'll save the $125 million.'"
DeLay said he understands why Republicans in Congress aren't complaining about this publicly: "Those in elected office are looking at Obama's popularity numbers and don't want to be perceived as anti-American by being anti-Obama."
He didn't name names, but the normally outspoken Rep. Michele Bachmann might fit the bill.
Just before the election, the Minnesota Republican told Chris Matthews that she thought Obama might have "anti-American views."
Last week, she told The Hill: "I look forward to working with him and I would expect to be as friendly as I would be to [any president]."
In March, Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King predicted that an Obama victory would have "the al Qaeda and the radical Islamists and their supporters ... dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11th."
Last week, King was still grumbling about Obama's middle name — Hussein — but he told Politico that he's "very respectful and appreciative of the historic moment" and counts it "among life's privileges" that he'll have a seat in Congress when Obama puts his hand on the Bible.
Malkin conceded that it's appropriate to show some deference to the occasion, but she complained that Republican lawmakers aren't standing their ground.
"Especially in the Beltway," she said, "they are more wrapped up in who got invited to what dinner and who didn't. And my criticism of the GOP establishment, as they've rolled on every [Obama Cabinet] nomination, is they are completely out of touch with how fly-over America feels about this spectacle."
Or, as Bob Anderson put it: "Pffffffffffffffffft."
Anderson, a retired chief master sergeant in the U.S. Air Force Reserves, is the founder of the conservative grass-roots organization "What are we fighting for?"
Asked to elaborate on his onomatopoeia, Anderson said that "Obama-mania" is leading the country into bad times.
"The only positive thing I can see is hopefully it will be bad enough quick enough that the people will stop drinking the Kool-Aid and see what we're about to lose," he said. "I think we have a very short launch window."
RedState's Erick Erickson is blasting off.
"I think we're going to be treated to.hagiography for weeks if not months," Erickson complained. "The first time Obama uses the bathroom, Newsweek will do a five-page spread."
Tom Hoefling, the political director for Alan Keyes' group America's Revival, has had it with all the talk about the "historic" nature of Obama's inauguration.
"What's historic about it?" he asked. "So it's historical because of his skin tone? Isn't that a racist idea in the first place? ... I could care less what color his skin tone is. What matters is his philosophy -- his political philosophy and his ideology."
Anderson suggested that squeamishness about race is silencing the dissent.
"We're so focused with political correctness people are uncomfortable in saying your baby is ugly and stuff is broken," he said. "While we're sitting around the campfire and trying to sing Kumbaya, our country is slipping away from us."
Anderson won't be watching the inauguration. DeLay will be out in California to rally conservatives. And Richard Viguerie, the king of right-wing direct mail, said Tuesday will be "just another day at the office."
"Yeah, sure, we can be happy that we've taken another step in the racial progress, but I just am not about race, quite frankly," Viguerie said.
He doesn't necessarily begrudge those who will celebrate this we
Saturday, January 17, 2009
regarding recent downed plane
I am so amazed by that pilot. It comes as no suprise to me he is former air force. Leave it to the military to do something right, when very few else can. I applaud him and his entire crew. God bless them and to the passengers I wouldnt blame you if you never flew again lol. I am glad no one died. Dang birds lol.
The obama express
I just saw something thats been showing on CNN. The Obama express. ARE F***** serious???????? I AM GONNA GAG !!!!!!!!! The hero worship of this inexperienced looser is making me ill.
Regarding ingurual visit to balitmore-warning some language content
I am sick to death of seeing his ugly A** face plastered everywhere. Its enough to make me gag ! All these people that voted for him are gonna end up being real sorry in the end. I know a lot of folks are enamored with the idea of a black man in the white house, and I think its a great idea too. However, not that black man thank you very much. How about mr steel from my home state of maryland? He is black and a fabulous man with good sound political and moral beliefs. Just anybody but a liberal, tax and spend, nutjob like Mr. Hussein. God help us all. People have no idea the horror they have unleashed on the this country. Bush as much as you might hate him MADE US SAFE. Obama will not only tax us all out of existence but do anything BUT make us safe. He is a pacificts liberal and like most liberals and no balls to do the hard stuff when it comes time to. F**** obama I wish he and every other liberal would just drop off the face of the earth. I know that is wishful thinking, but it sure would do this country a lot of good.
Friday, January 16, 2009
This is what I am talking about folks. Bush is NOT as evil as he was made out to be
Bush's Achievements
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Digg Facebook Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Fred Barnes Fred Barnes – Wed Jan 14, 10:44 am ETMore from The Weekly Standard:
Cheney--the Exit Interview Conservative Successes The Net-Zero Gas Tax The End of the Line More »
Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 014, Issue 17 - 1/19/2009 – The postmortems on the presidency of George W. Bush are all wrong. The liberal line is that Bush dangerously weakened America's position in the world and rushed to the aid of the rich and powerful as income inequality worsened. That is twaddle. Conservatives--okay, not all of them--have only been a little bit kinder. They give Bush credit for the surge that saved Iraq, but not for much else.
He deserves better. His presidency was far more successful than not. And there's an aspect of his decision-making that merits special recognition: his courage. Time and time again, Bush did what other presidents, even Ronald Reagan, would not have done and for which he was vilified and abused. That--defiantly doing the right thing--is what distinguished his presidency.
Bush had ten great achievements (and maybe more) in his eight years in the White House, starting with his decision in 2001 to jettison the Kyoto global warming treaty so loved by Al Gore, the environmental lobby, elite opinion, and Europeans. The treaty was a disaster, with India and China exempted and economic decline the certain result. Everyone knew it. But only Bush said so and acted accordingly.
He stood athwart mounting global warming hysteria and yelled, "Stop!" He slowed the movement toward a policy blunder of worldwide impact, providing time for facts to catch up with the dubious claims of alarmists. Thanks in part to Bush, the supposed consensus of scientists on global warming has now collapsed. The skeptics, who point to global cooling over the past decade, are now heard loud and clear. And a rational approach to the theory of manmade global warming is possible.
Second, enhanced interrogation of terrorists. Along with use of secret prisons and wireless eavesdropping, this saved American lives. How many thousands of lives? We'll never know. But, as Charles Krauthammer said recently, "Those are precisely the elements which kept us safe and which have prevented a second attack."
Crucial intelligence was obtained from captured al Qaeda leaders, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with the help of waterboarding. Whether this tactic--it creates a drowning sensation--is torture is a matter of debate. John McCain and many Democrats say it is. Bush and Vice President Cheney insist it isn't. In any case, it was necessary. Lincoln once made a similar point in defending his suspension of habeas corpus in direct defiance of Chief Justice Roger Taney. "Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?" Lincoln asked. Bush understood the answer in wartime had to be no.
Bush's third achievement was the rebuilding of presidential authority, badly degraded in the era of Vietnam, Watergate, and Bill Clinton. He didn't hesitate to conduct wireless surveillance of terrorists without getting a federal judge's okay. He decided on his own how to treat terrorists and where they should be imprisoned. Those were legitimate decisions for which the president, as commander in chief, should feel no need to apologize.
Defending, all the way to the Supreme Court, Cheney's refusal to disclose to Congress the names of people he'd consulted on energy policy was also enormously important. Democratic congressman Henry Waxman demanded the names, but the Court upheld Cheney, 7-2. Last week, Cheney defended his refusal, waspishly noting that Waxman "doesn't call me up and tell me who he's meeting with."
Achievement number four was Bush's unswerving support for Israel. Reagan was once deemed Israel's best friend in the White House. Now Bush can claim the title. He ostracized Yasser Arafat as an impediment to peace in the Middle East. This infuriated the anti-Israel forces in Europe, the Third World, and the United Nations, and was criticized by champions of the "peace process" here at home. Bush was right.
He was clever in his support. Bush announced that Ariel Sharon should withdraw the tanks he'd sent into the West Bank in 2002, then exerted zero pressure on Sharon to do so. And he backed the wall along Israel's eastern border without endorsing it as an official boundary, while knowing full well that it might eventually become exactly that. He was a loyal friend.
His fifth success was No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the education reform bill cosponsored by America's most prominent liberal Democratic senator Edward Kennedy. The teachers' unions, school boards, the education establishment, conservatives adamant about local control of schools--they all loathed the measure and still do. It requires two things they ardently oppose, mandatory testing and accountability.
Kennedy later turned against NCLB, saying Bush is shortchanging the program. In truth, federal education spending is at record levels. Another complaint is that it forces teachers to "teach to the test." The tests are on math and reading. They are tests worth teaching to.
Sixth, Bush declared in his second inaugural address in 2005 that American foreign policy (at least his) would henceforth focus on promoting democracy around the world. This put him squarely in the Reagan camp, but he was lambasted as unrealistic, impractical, and a tool of wily neoconservatives. The new policy gave Bush credibility in pressing for democracy in the former Soviet republics and Middle East and in zinging various dictators and kleptocrats. It will do the same for President Obama, if he's wise enough to hang onto it.
The seventh achievement is the Medicare prescription drug benefit, enacted in 2003. It's not only wildly popular; it has cost less than expected by triggering competition among drug companies. Conservatives have deep reservations about the program. But they shouldn't have been surprised. Bush advocated the drug benefit in the 2000 campaign. And if he hadn't acted, Democrats would have, with a much less attractive result.
Then there were John Roberts and Sam Alito. In putting them on the Supreme Court and naming Roberts chief justice, Bush achieved what had eluded Richard Nixon, Reagan, and his own father. Roberts and Alito made the Court indisputably more conservative. And the good news is Roberts, 53, and Alito, 58, should be justices for decades to come.
Bush's ninth achievement has been widely ignored. He strengthened relations with east Asian democracies (Japan, South Korea, Australia) without causing a rift with China. On top of that, he forged strong ties with India. An important factor was their common enemy, Islamic jihadists. After 9/11, Bush made the most of this, and Indian leaders were receptive. His state dinner for Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh in 2006 was a lovefest.
Finally, a no-brainer: the surge. Bush prompted nearly unanimous disapproval in January 2007 when he announced he was sending more troops to Iraq and adopting a new counterinsurgency strategy. His opponents initially included the State Department, the Pentagon, most of Congress, the media, the foreign policy establishment, indeed the whole world. This makes his decision a profile in courage. Best of all, the surge worked. Iraq is now a fragile but functioning democracy.
How does Bush rank as a president? We won't know until he's judged from the perspective of two or three decades. Hindsight forced a sharp upgrading of the presidencies of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Given his achievements, it may have the same effect for Bush.
--Fred Barnes, for the Editors
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Digg Facebook Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Fred Barnes Fred Barnes – Wed Jan 14, 10:44 am ETMore from The Weekly Standard:
Cheney--the Exit Interview Conservative Successes The Net-Zero Gas Tax The End of the Line More »
Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 014, Issue 17 - 1/19/2009 – The postmortems on the presidency of George W. Bush are all wrong. The liberal line is that Bush dangerously weakened America's position in the world and rushed to the aid of the rich and powerful as income inequality worsened. That is twaddle. Conservatives--okay, not all of them--have only been a little bit kinder. They give Bush credit for the surge that saved Iraq, but not for much else.
He deserves better. His presidency was far more successful than not. And there's an aspect of his decision-making that merits special recognition: his courage. Time and time again, Bush did what other presidents, even Ronald Reagan, would not have done and for which he was vilified and abused. That--defiantly doing the right thing--is what distinguished his presidency.
Bush had ten great achievements (and maybe more) in his eight years in the White House, starting with his decision in 2001 to jettison the Kyoto global warming treaty so loved by Al Gore, the environmental lobby, elite opinion, and Europeans. The treaty was a disaster, with India and China exempted and economic decline the certain result. Everyone knew it. But only Bush said so and acted accordingly.
He stood athwart mounting global warming hysteria and yelled, "Stop!" He slowed the movement toward a policy blunder of worldwide impact, providing time for facts to catch up with the dubious claims of alarmists. Thanks in part to Bush, the supposed consensus of scientists on global warming has now collapsed. The skeptics, who point to global cooling over the past decade, are now heard loud and clear. And a rational approach to the theory of manmade global warming is possible.
Second, enhanced interrogation of terrorists. Along with use of secret prisons and wireless eavesdropping, this saved American lives. How many thousands of lives? We'll never know. But, as Charles Krauthammer said recently, "Those are precisely the elements which kept us safe and which have prevented a second attack."
Crucial intelligence was obtained from captured al Qaeda leaders, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with the help of waterboarding. Whether this tactic--it creates a drowning sensation--is torture is a matter of debate. John McCain and many Democrats say it is. Bush and Vice President Cheney insist it isn't. In any case, it was necessary. Lincoln once made a similar point in defending his suspension of habeas corpus in direct defiance of Chief Justice Roger Taney. "Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?" Lincoln asked. Bush understood the answer in wartime had to be no.
Bush's third achievement was the rebuilding of presidential authority, badly degraded in the era of Vietnam, Watergate, and Bill Clinton. He didn't hesitate to conduct wireless surveillance of terrorists without getting a federal judge's okay. He decided on his own how to treat terrorists and where they should be imprisoned. Those were legitimate decisions for which the president, as commander in chief, should feel no need to apologize.
Defending, all the way to the Supreme Court, Cheney's refusal to disclose to Congress the names of people he'd consulted on energy policy was also enormously important. Democratic congressman Henry Waxman demanded the names, but the Court upheld Cheney, 7-2. Last week, Cheney defended his refusal, waspishly noting that Waxman "doesn't call me up and tell me who he's meeting with."
Achievement number four was Bush's unswerving support for Israel. Reagan was once deemed Israel's best friend in the White House. Now Bush can claim the title. He ostracized Yasser Arafat as an impediment to peace in the Middle East. This infuriated the anti-Israel forces in Europe, the Third World, and the United Nations, and was criticized by champions of the "peace process" here at home. Bush was right.
He was clever in his support. Bush announced that Ariel Sharon should withdraw the tanks he'd sent into the West Bank in 2002, then exerted zero pressure on Sharon to do so. And he backed the wall along Israel's eastern border without endorsing it as an official boundary, while knowing full well that it might eventually become exactly that. He was a loyal friend.
His fifth success was No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the education reform bill cosponsored by America's most prominent liberal Democratic senator Edward Kennedy. The teachers' unions, school boards, the education establishment, conservatives adamant about local control of schools--they all loathed the measure and still do. It requires two things they ardently oppose, mandatory testing and accountability.
Kennedy later turned against NCLB, saying Bush is shortchanging the program. In truth, federal education spending is at record levels. Another complaint is that it forces teachers to "teach to the test." The tests are on math and reading. They are tests worth teaching to.
Sixth, Bush declared in his second inaugural address in 2005 that American foreign policy (at least his) would henceforth focus on promoting democracy around the world. This put him squarely in the Reagan camp, but he was lambasted as unrealistic, impractical, and a tool of wily neoconservatives. The new policy gave Bush credibility in pressing for democracy in the former Soviet republics and Middle East and in zinging various dictators and kleptocrats. It will do the same for President Obama, if he's wise enough to hang onto it.
The seventh achievement is the Medicare prescription drug benefit, enacted in 2003. It's not only wildly popular; it has cost less than expected by triggering competition among drug companies. Conservatives have deep reservations about the program. But they shouldn't have been surprised. Bush advocated the drug benefit in the 2000 campaign. And if he hadn't acted, Democrats would have, with a much less attractive result.
Then there were John Roberts and Sam Alito. In putting them on the Supreme Court and naming Roberts chief justice, Bush achieved what had eluded Richard Nixon, Reagan, and his own father. Roberts and Alito made the Court indisputably more conservative. And the good news is Roberts, 53, and Alito, 58, should be justices for decades to come.
Bush's ninth achievement has been widely ignored. He strengthened relations with east Asian democracies (Japan, South Korea, Australia) without causing a rift with China. On top of that, he forged strong ties with India. An important factor was their common enemy, Islamic jihadists. After 9/11, Bush made the most of this, and Indian leaders were receptive. His state dinner for Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh in 2006 was a lovefest.
Finally, a no-brainer: the surge. Bush prompted nearly unanimous disapproval in January 2007 when he announced he was sending more troops to Iraq and adopting a new counterinsurgency strategy. His opponents initially included the State Department, the Pentagon, most of Congress, the media, the foreign policy establishment, indeed the whole world. This makes his decision a profile in courage. Best of all, the surge worked. Iraq is now a fragile but functioning democracy.
How does Bush rank as a president? We won't know until he's judged from the perspective of two or three decades. Hindsight forced a sharp upgrading of the presidencies of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Given his achievements, it may have the same effect for Bush.
--Fred Barnes, for the Editors
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Is this NutJob Serious??
President-elect Barack Obama wants to conclude his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God," but a group of atheists is asking a federal judge to stop him.
California atheist Michael Newdow sued Chief Justice John Roberts in federal court for an injunction barring the use of those words in the inaugural oath.
Newdow and other atheists and agnostics also want to stop the use of prayers during the inaugural celebration.
Newdow, who lost a Supreme Court battle to get the words "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance, has failed in similar challenges to the use of religious words and prayers at President George W. Bush's inaugurations."
This is a couple paragraphs from an article I just read this morning. OMG seriously, does this man have nothing better to do than hate on God and Christians??? Aside from the fact that he is going to Hell, what does it really matter if the word God is used in things like this? I am like so what ya know? Is it really any big deal? Does it hurt anyone or cause anyone any harm? NO IT DOESN'T! To this moron and other like him let me clue you in to why they have these things used in their ceremonies - IT"S ABOUT TRADITION YOU MORON ! oh and yes one more thing, this country has CHRISTIAN ROOTS AND FOUNDERS. So if you really hate God that much go find your sorry a** some other country to live in and leave us God fearing folk alone. We aren't hurting you any.
California atheist Michael Newdow sued Chief Justice John Roberts in federal court for an injunction barring the use of those words in the inaugural oath.
Newdow and other atheists and agnostics also want to stop the use of prayers during the inaugural celebration.
Newdow, who lost a Supreme Court battle to get the words "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance, has failed in similar challenges to the use of religious words and prayers at President George W. Bush's inaugurations."
This is a couple paragraphs from an article I just read this morning. OMG seriously, does this man have nothing better to do than hate on God and Christians??? Aside from the fact that he is going to Hell, what does it really matter if the word God is used in things like this? I am like so what ya know? Is it really any big deal? Does it hurt anyone or cause anyone any harm? NO IT DOESN'T! To this moron and other like him let me clue you in to why they have these things used in their ceremonies - IT"S ABOUT TRADITION YOU MORON ! oh and yes one more thing, this country has CHRISTIAN ROOTS AND FOUNDERS. So if you really hate God that much go find your sorry a** some other country to live in and leave us God fearing folk alone. We aren't hurting you any.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
he is spending how much??
I hear obama is spending almost 100 million dollars on his ingural day. OMG, seriously? And they whinned about what bush spent for his, which was a fraction of that. See its ok though this time because he is the messiah and is therefore special enough to warrent spending millions of dollars we dont have isnt he? He makes me sick. And for the record if I see his likeness ( the man is butt ugly in my opinion) on one more dang thing I swear to God I am gonna hurl !!!
— Police have arrested a Greenfield man for allegedly arranging to sell his 14-year-old daughter into marriage in exchange for $16,000, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat.—
This is despicable ! I know in some countries its the way things go, but this is america people! You wanna live here in this country YOU CANNOT DO THINGS LIKE THAT! Children are not like some prized horse to be traded or sold. ITS DISGUSTING. I hope they throw his a** in prision. And you know the scarey part is she went willingly cause she was so brainwashed. I hope they get her some counseling. She is gonna need it.
This is despicable ! I know in some countries its the way things go, but this is america people! You wanna live here in this country YOU CANNOT DO THINGS LIKE THAT! Children are not like some prized horse to be traded or sold. ITS DISGUSTING. I hope they throw his a** in prision. And you know the scarey part is she went willingly cause she was so brainwashed. I hope they get her some counseling. She is gonna need it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
al franken
Al franken makes me sick. He is just another slick liberal who will cheat and lie and do whatever he has to do to win, no matter how dishonest. I hope they give him major amounts of grief back there in his home state. A**hole.
Friday, January 9, 2009
one more liberal busted
Mayor sheila dixon just indicted on corruption charges. I live right near baltimore and honestly i couldnt be more thrilled. She is just another corrupt liberal politician and seeing her go down would thrill me to no end. We shall see if any of it sticks though because as I have said earlier most liberals are about as slick as a greased pig at a county fair. One can only hope.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
slicker than a greased pig at a country fair
Thats what I am calling all these dang liberal politicains, at the local level and the nation level, that seem tp always slip out of whatever mess they invariably find themselves under. Folks like Obama, the kendedys,the clintons esp seem the worst. I have discovered pockets of local liberals running amoke, breaking the law (then trying to change it so its then ok) My shiela dickson is a glaring expamle of corruption. I dont think they will do anything to her, because as i have said before: liberals are like a greased pig in a county fair. Its just dang near impossible to catch em cauese they are so slick.
Thats my two cents for the time being.
peace and love
Thats my two cents for the time being.
peace and love
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