Thursday, June 11, 2009


With 250,000 members, the American Medical Association has some heavy political clout and deep resources. It will need to use everything it has if it is to help shield the nation from a health care disaster being engineered by Democrats and their constituents.

Washington's latest fevered dream for health care is a mutation called the "public option," which is just another way of saying "government-run" without having to actually do so.

We know there's a loud faction that envies the salaries doctors earn. Its members would be pleased to see the government slash reimbursements for wealthy physicians.

We also know something else that they apparently don't: Without the profit motive, doctors will leave their practices, potential medical school students will choose another field, and insurance providers will stop offering coverage. Is that in anyone's interest
While these same folks would be thrilled to put an end to private health care insurance, which they believe is run by greedy businessmen, they'd not be so happy with a health care landscape in which there are fewer doctors, fewer hospitals and fewer choices.

A nation with fewer physicians and little or no private health insurance market is a nation that will find itself in health care hell.
Doctors' offices will be overrun with patients demanding "free" treatment, and taxpayers will be broke from continually paying the bills. Its promises notwithstanding, a government that long ago lost all control of Medicare spending won't be able to handle what is essentially Medicare for all.


These are exerpts from an article I read online. I thought it quite on the money. Doubt those dumb***** in Washington will listen to them or us for that matter, when we try to tell them what a BIG BIG mistake this is. The system is broke true, but this will only make things worse. Why in the world would you want to model your healthcare system after countries like Canada and England, when you can obviously see what an abject failure they have been there. AND YOU WANT TO COPY THAT???? REALLY MR. PRESIDENT???????

You know part of the reason for healthcare insurance costs being so high isnt necessarily those "greedy" insurance people. Some of it is the state manadate that you gotta cover this and cover that. Stuff invetro for example. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? That kinda of crap is what has driven up the prices. I wish people would knock it off with the class envy already. I know its hard because the obama fawning media has spoon fed it to you on a never ending basis. BUT TRY PLEASE before we all LOSE BIGTIME.

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