I have heard and seen some things lately that frankly have me very troubled. I am truly afraid we are loosing our personal freedoms. Things like freedom to say what you want (assuming you are not making some sort of terroristic threat)and not face hardship or persecution because of it. While we aren't there yet, I do believe we are on our way down that path. This is frightening to think that in a country such as we live in that things could deteriorate like this. When I hear that there is a draft of a bill that in essence would give the president the right to take over someone personal computer in the event of a "cyber emergency" or that in the house bill for the "healthcare reform" (which its not really) they would have the right to come into my bank and take out money. This begs the question- Is it time to start putting our money in coffee cans like in the days of the depression?How about the comment that Obama made regarding a civilian military type force as equally funded as our military? I saw a video of some kids wearing military camis and black shirts chanting Obama is the messiah and we owe him everything. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What is going on here? Is this a democracy or is this a socialist state in the making or perhaps some sort of hybrid of the two? It's hard to cotemplate either.
The fact that anytime anyone criticizes Obama or the left we are usually painted as extremists or crazy is something that is pretty hard to ignore. Those who dare to voice a dissenting opinion or even dare to ask the hard questions are being persecuted and harassed on a number of levels depending on how outspoken you are and how much in the public eye you are. This just smacks of socialism and the fact that the mainstream press is so fawningly biased toward Obama makes me suspicious, frustrated, and frankly more than a little sick to my stomach. God Bless folks Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, and Beck. They take a lot of heat for taking the stands against this madness like they do. I just wonder how many more years it will be before we no longer have the right to freely speak our minds?
Perhaps the Lords coming isn't as far off as we might think. I know I may take some derision for saying that, but I guess I am kind of getting used that. I will continue to stand up for what I believe is right and voice my concerns what the because in the end I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. My conscience dictates that I speak out against what I feel is wrong and if that gets me labeled a an extremists or any other label they choose to give me then so be it.
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