Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Making the case for leaving the scripture on the guns

I recently read an article forwarded to me regarding a manufacture putting scripture on the guns and found it to be definite food for thought.
This is the scripture referenced:
Markings included "JN8:12", a reference to John 8:12: "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, 'I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life,'" according to the King James version of the Bible. Reference is a recent AP story regarding NZ throwing a hissy over the scripture being on the guns.
I would venture to say that there is nothing wrong with it.
My reasons are as follows:
One reason why I think it's OK is these people are putting their lives on the line for their country and if a couple of scripture references can possibly give at least some of them a degree of comfort then what is the harm?
Some have said it would raise tensions,are you kidding me? First of all, I seriously can't imagine any Muslim terrorist getting close enough to any of these soldiers guns to even notice that without attempting to shoot the solider first. Secondly, I doubt 9/10Th's of them are even familiar enough with scripture to even know the scripture that is being referenced. So the whole bit about it raising tensions is just a lot of hot empty air.

Another reason is it's just tradition. It's like having the words "In God We Trust" on our money or the Ten Commandments in a courthouse. Even if you aren't a Christian, how does it really hurt you to let these things stand? Are you in personal way injured? Not likely.
Some would say "Oh it violates the separation of church and state." REALLY? First of all to those people who would say that I would say to them in return that this is not what was originally meant by this statement. This statement was made to protect the religious people in this country and keep the government out of the church. It was not designed as a means to eradicate God from our society or any public reference to him. I don't believe this is our founding fathers intentions here.

So I hope I have made the case for letting the scripture stay, at with our soldiers. Can't speak for NZ, but for us can't the anti Christian establishment just let it go? and stop persecuting us Christians and even those who reference Him in some way. Just let it go. Move on with your life and grow up. I am saying you have to believe the way I do, but what I am saying is that is doesn't hurt to let the decades long traditions stand and just ignore these things if you are that sensitive.

Anyhow, that's my two cents worth.

God Bless all of you and God Bless America

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