Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thoughts on proposed Baltimore City budget cuts

I am just outraged honestly. Honestly it's becoming common feeling to me these days, so this is just one more helping on that pile of outrage.
Why is it that it is OK to slash things like firefighter and police services, yet you don't see the da** politicians loosing anything in the way of pay or (perks for that matter)? How do they sleep at night? I am just so ticked I can't even hardly put it into words.
It's disgusting that they want to furlough, freeze hiring, and lay off all these important and necessary people in our society, yet they still maintain there inflated salaries and ridiculous perks.
How about these da** politicians taking a pay cut instead of our teachers or our EMT people? I think they earn it the least of anybody because they don't by and large really give a darn about any of us. They are interested in their own power and control over everyone else within their sphere of influence-esp the white house and it's many radical CZARS.
When is this kind of crap gonna stop? Are priorities are all assbackwards anymore. Teachers, EMT, firefighters, and doctors really are much more important then any politician Republican or Democrat put together.
I am frankly very concerned that as budgets continue to tighten for our states, the policies the White House want to institute are just going to compound these situations immensely. People could end up in serious trouble when due to budget cutbacks from a shrinking economy and revenues, a firefighter couldn't get to them in time or a policeman couldn't arrive in time to stop a man from killing his wife in a domestic dispute because they were understaffed to badly.
I don't know if the White House is purposely trying to collapse the system we know as capitalism as some have suggested or this is just ignorance on their part, but what I do know is that we have got to stop playing games and be serious about really matters. Stop the self serving bullcrap, and remember what really should matter to us as a nation and as citizens of one of the few free societies left in this world.
We need to treat our police,firefighters, teachers, and EMT like the important treasures that they are and not like some expendable budget cut.
Can we do it? YES WE CAN!

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