Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is this NutJob Serious??

President-elect Barack Obama wants to conclude his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God," but a group of atheists is asking a federal judge to stop him.
California atheist Michael Newdow sued Chief Justice John Roberts in federal court for an injunction barring the use of those words in the inaugural oath.
Newdow and other atheists and agnostics also want to stop the use of prayers during the inaugural celebration.
Newdow, who lost a Supreme Court battle to get the words "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance, has failed in similar challenges to the use of religious words and prayers at President George W. Bush's inaugurations."

This is a couple paragraphs from an article I just read this morning. OMG seriously, does this man have nothing better to do than hate on God and Christians??? Aside from the fact that he is going to Hell, what does it really matter if the word God is used in things like this? I am like so what ya know? Is it really any big deal? Does it hurt anyone or cause anyone any harm? NO IT DOESN'T! To this moron and other like him let me clue you in to why they have these things used in their ceremonies - IT"S ABOUT TRADITION YOU MORON ! oh and yes one more thing, this country has CHRISTIAN ROOTS AND FOUNDERS. So if you really hate God that much go find your sorry a** some other country to live in and leave us God fearing folk alone. We aren't hurting you any.

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